Graduated in Agronomy from the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (FCA) of the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1999), Master’s (2002) and Ph.D. (2005) in Agronomy (Soil and Plant Nutrition) from the Superior School of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” from the University of São Paulo. He did part of his doctorate abroad (The University of Western Australia). From 2005 to 2008 he held the position of Researcher A at the Agroforestry Research Center (Embrapa Roraima), in the area of ​​Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. Currently holds the position of Class D (Level 3 Associate Professor) in the Department of Soil Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará. Has experience in Agronomy, with emphasis on Soil Fertility, Fertilization, Plant Mineral Nutrition, Soil and Water Management and Conservation, acting on the following topics: soil fertility, plant nutrition, root system, conservation practices.

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (1997), Master in Agronomy (Soil Sciences) from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (2000) and Ph.D. in Irrigation and Drainage from the University of São Paulo (2005). He has experience in agricultural research since 1988 at IPA – Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (1989-2000). He was a scientific researcher at the IAC – Instituto Agronômico de Campinas/Center for Ecophysiology and Biophysics (2004-2005). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Engineering – Campus de Rondonópolis. He has experience in Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy, with an emphasis on Agrometeorology, Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Relationship, Water and Soil Engineering, Irrigation Management and Soil Physics. It works mainly on the following topics: Crop water requirements, evapotranspiration, soil water-nutrient ratios, productivity simulation models, instrumentation, development and evaluation of agricultural equipment.

Graduated in Agronomy from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1979), Master’s in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) from University of São Paulo (1985) and Ph.D. in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) from University of São Paulo (1993). He is currently a Professor at the University of São Paulo. Has experience in the field of Agronomy. Acting mainly on the following subjects: Sugarcane, Soils, Limestone, Agricultural plaster.

Agricultural Engineer graduated from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (2006.1), with an MBA in People Management from the Timbaúba Faculty of Sciences (2008), Master in Agricultural Engineering with an emphasis on Irrigation and Drainage at the Federal University of Campina Grande (2013), Doctorate in Agricultural Engineering with an emphasis on Irrigation and Drainage at the Federal University of Campina Grande (2018). Since 2006 he has been an Agricultural Engineer at the Olho D’Água Central Plant, occupying the position of Manager of the Technical Department of the Company’s Agricultural Division, being responsible for the activities of Research and Development, Agricultural Planning, Agricultural Environmental Management and Irrigation Planning and Management. He has experience in the development and assembly of hydraulic projects for water mains and irrigation systems for sugarcane cultivation. He has also been a member of the Goiana River Basin Committee since 2007.

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Pelotas and also holds an MBA in Marketing (ESPM) and Finance (FGV). The executive has worked in companies such as FMC, Monsanto and Bayer, having extensive experience in agribusiness, having worked in different corporate functions in different regions of Brazil. He is currently CEO Mercosur at NETAFIM.

Graduated in Agricultural Engineering (1987) and Master (1991) in Agronomy (Vegetable Production) from the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of Jaboticabal – UNESP (1987) and Doctorate in Irrigation and Drainage from ESALQ – USP (1995). He is a Full Professor at UNESP – São Paulo State University – Ilha Solteira Campus. He was Head of DEFERS – Department of Plant Health, Rural Engineering and Soils for six years. Has experience in Agricultural Engineering, with an emphasis on Irrigation and Drainage, acting on the following topics: irrigated agriculture, irrigation systems, agrometeorology, hydrology and fertigation. He is a Professor and Advisor in the Graduate Programs in Irrigation and Drainage at UNESP Botucatu and in the Professional Master’s Degree in Management and Regulation of Water Resources (PROFÁGUA) at UNESP Ilha Solteira Visit Internet-based media channels: Personal website (http:/ /!/departamentos/fitossanidade-engenharia-rural-e-solos/docentes/), Institutional website (, BLOG (http: //, UNESP CLIMA Channel (, YouTube Channel (, FAPESP – BV- CDI (, ResearchGate:, ORCID (http: //, Researcher ID ( or Scholar Google ( br/citations?hl=pt-BR&user=d73nywoAAAAJ). Weekly gives tips on irrigated agriculture on Pod Irrigar – the podcast of irrigated agriculture – at

He studied for a doctorate and a master’s degree at the Department of Agricultural Systems Engineering at ESALQ/USP in the area of ​​irrigation and drainage. He has a PhD in sandwich at the National Center for Engineering in Agriculture at the University of Southern Queensland – Australia. He is an Agronomist from the Federal University of Alagoas. He has experience and works in the areas of Water Use Efficiency in Agricultural and Forestry Crops, Forestry/Agricultural Experimentation, Irrigation Engineering, Ecophysiology, Mathematical Modeling, Energy Balance, Water Resources Management and Use of By-Products in Agriculture.

Master and Doctor in Agricultural Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa and post-doctorate from the University of Nebraska-USA, Lincoln, in Irrigation Engineering and Water Management. He is currently a researcher in the area of ​​water resources and irrigation and deputy head of research and development at Embrapa Cerrados. He is a member of Embrapa’s Technical Qualification Committee. He is advisor of the Postgraduate Programs in Agricultural Engineering at the Federal University of Viçosa and in Agronomy (irrigation and drainage) at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences – Botucatu Campus. He is director of public policy at the Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineering. He works as a scientific consultant for several research development agencies and scientific journals. He coordinates the CNPq research group entitled Rede Agrohidro. He was supervisor of the International Articulation Center at Embrapa Cerrados. He was a consultant for the Organization of American States (OAS) and visiting researcher at the University of California-USA, Davis, in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources Studies, where he developed work in modeling the hydrology of irrigated areas. He was a member of the Technical Chamber for Project Analysis, president of the Technical Chamber of Science and Technology and member of the National Water Resources Council (CNRH). He was a member of the Steering Committee of the Portfolio of Projects on Climate Change in Irrigated Agriculture at Embrapa and representative of Brazil in the Water Resources and Irrigation Technology Platform of the Cooperation Program for the Agrifood and Agroindustrial Technological Development of the Southern Cone (PROCISUR). Topics of interest: irrigation, water resources, hydrology, climate change.

Graduated in agronomic engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2007). , acting on the following subjects: remote sensing, vegetation, image processing and land use. He is currently Product Marketing Coordinator – Tractors at AGCO Corporation.

Degree in Animal Science from Unesp/Jaboticabal, Master in Agronomy (Energy in Agriculture) from Unesp/Botucatu and Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Sciences from USP/São Carlos. Researcher at Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, working on the following topics: impacts of animal production on water resources, water demand from livestock activities, environmental performance indicators. Professor of the postgraduate course in Animal Nutrition and Production at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science/USP. Creator and organizer of the Animal Production and Water Resources Symposium – SPARH. Technical editor of the series: Animal Production and Water Resources. Founding partner of the Brazilian Society of Specialists in Waste from Agricultural and Agroindustrial Production (SBERA).

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina (1996), Masters from the Aquaculture Center of Unesp (CAUNESP) Jaboticabal (1999) and Doctorate from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) (2003). From 2004 to 2010 she was Associate Researcher at the Department of Genetics and Evolution (DGE) at UFSCar and Professor at the Centro Universitário Central Paulista (UNICEP). In 2004 he also started his Post-Doctorate at the Adaptive Biochemistry Laboratory at DGE-UFSCar. From 2006 to 2007 she worked as a guest researcher at the “Institute for Marine Biosciences (IMB) – National Research Council Canada (NRC-Ca) participating in a project on Atlantic salmon Nutrigenomics. In 2008 he resumed and completed his Post-Doctoral project at DGE-UFSCar. She is currently Researcher A at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – EMBRAPA Fisheries, Aquaculture and Agricultural Systems in the Fish Nutrition and Feeding Area. Has experience in Fisheries Resources, acting on the following subjects: Aquaculture, Biochemical Adaptation, Metabolism and Bioenergetics, Enzymology and Nutrigenomics.

Graduated in computing with a master’s and doctorate in environmental sciences. She was a visiting researcher at Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands, from 2011-2012, working with the carbon and water footprint of agro-industrial products. She is a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, in the area of ​​environmental impact assessment of agro-industrial technologies, and a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources at the State University of Ceará, in the same area. He has experience in the development and application of environmental impact assessment models, with an emphasis on life cycle assessment (LCA), in the process of technological development and innovation. It has applied these models in the evaluation of agro-industrial processes and products during their development, aiming to reduce impacts before the technology transfer stage to society. It has evaluated and contributed to the improvement of agricultural processes (tropical fruits) and bioproducts from agro-industrial residues (eg, cellulose nanocrystals, biopolymeric films, bacterial cellulose, panels, and gelatin).

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (1997), MSc Agronomy Concentration Area Irrigation and Drainage from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (1999), MBA in Expertise, Audit and Environmental Management-INBEC/UNIP(2011), PhD in Agronomy-Phytotechnics from the Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid-UFERSA with a Doctorate in Sandwich at Stockbridge School of Agriculture. University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States, (05/2014 to 04/2015), as part of the Strategic Programs -DRI -Capes. Post-doctorate in Agronomy – National Center for Tropical Agroindustry – Embrapa -CNPAT. Post-doctorate Natural Resources – State University of Ceará/ National Center for Tropical Agroindustry – Embrapa -CNPAT. Professional performance as a research collaborator in the “Research Network Project for Environmental Impact Assessment of Melon Production Systems on Climate Change (Repensa-Melon) National Center for Tropical Agroindustry – Embrapa -CNPAT; Del Monte Fresh Produce Brazil company, acting as research and quality control supervisor from August 2005 to June 2009.