Effluent quality in a family biowater system for agricultural reuse in the Baixo Jaguaribe Region – Ceará - DOI: 10.7127/rbai.v1701294

Andréia de Araújo Freitas Barroso, Francisco Jonathan de Sousa Cunha Nascimento, Jarbas Rodrigues Chaves, Paulo de Freitas Lima, Hosineide de Oliveira Rolim dos Santos


The reuse of water has been an alternative for several sectors of the economy, which is stimulated mainly due to the Law nº 9.433, 01/08/1997, which established the National Policy on Water Resources. This study aimed at evaluating the quality of gray water in a Family Biowater System for agricultural reuse in the Baixo Jaguaribe region in CE, Brazil. The effluent samples were collected from April 2018 to March 2020, and the following physicochemical parameters were analyzed: Electrical Conductivity (EC), Chlorides (Cl), Sodium (Na) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) at the Environmental Sanitation Laboratory – LABOSAM of the IFCE Limoeiro do Norte Campus. The gray waters analyzed presented quality in relation to salinity ranging from good to medium, high and very high and were classified as C1; C2; C3 and C4, according to the methodology proposed by Richards (1954). The waters analyzed in P2 reuse tank showed higher values, and it was noted that a greater attention in relation to their use in irrigation is required; in P1 fat box, the waters were of better quality. It is suggested that for reuse in irrigation, the drip irrigation system should be used in order to prevent water with high salinity from causing toxicity in crops via foliar, when irrigated by conventional aspersion.

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Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada - RBAI

ISSN: 1982-7679

E-mail: revista@inovagri.org.br